It all began with just one person. One man, one woman, a single creature in a universe of more than 7 billion humans inhabiting the Earth transmitted a virus that over a period of 100 days managed to reach more than 200,000 people in the five continents and cause more than 8,000 deaths, forcing the […]
Albert Einstein once said: “We do not intend things to change if we always do the same.” “Crisis” is the best blessing that can happen to people and countries, because it brings progress. Creativity is born from anguish, as the day is born from the dark night. Crisis generates inventions, discoveries, and big strategies. Whoever […]
Focusing efforts on a single goal is the most efficient way to generate better business results. When one hears medical explanations about the effects of malfunctioning of some organ or physical function, they usually include the description of a chain reaction. Those who deal with human life know that when a problem sets in, the […]
Every week, in my professional milieu, I have the privilege of coming across excellent and promising ideas. However, after some time, only a few of these tantalizing ideas materialize into something worthwhile; many are lost along the way, and even those that are carried to fruition, when actually seen in their final form, no longer […]
The Conscious Company Rodrigo Rocha How the 4 Es can make companies better understand their present and avoid the fear of the future Delivering the basics should be automatic, right? However, defining what are “the basics” in the corporate world is much more complex than are dreamt of in the philosophy of most managers. Than […]
Plunged into a condition that when looking up they would admire the sky and when looking down they would face the land, primitive men lived between opposite conflicts, from earliest discoveries to the search of their true existence, trying to express their origins. This situation really fascinates me because I see that we have been […]
The Impact that Changed the Earth Flower Power continues to generate effects, and the disruption dreamed in the 1960s has come true and remains a trend of the future thanks to Hippies 2.0 Rodrigo Rocha A physics issue: collisions always generate energy. Big collisions can change the world, put an end to entire eons. […]
Trends and possibilities are quickly becoming a reality in the world of marketing, due to the need for meeting the ever-increasingly sophisticated desires and priorities of consumers. Rodrigo Rocha Imagine the strength of a tsunami — a gigantic wave approaching with brutal strength, capable of destroying everything in its path. Usually, when you realize […]
The corporate management model is changing. More and more we see young people taking decision-making positions in large companies. Not long ago I wondered if the new generation would adapt to old patterns of corporate control, but some of the most prominent companies in their respective fields show that it is the corporation that must […]
Of the Fortune 500 companies in 1955, only 12% still exist sixty years later. Or, more precisely, 61 companies. The other 439 suffered one of three fates: they either went bankrupt, were acquired by, or merged, with other companies, or shrunk in size so as to no longer be among the top 500. Each of […]