Have a good “crisis”

Albert Einstein once said: “We do not intend things to change if we always do the same.” “Crisis” is the best blessing that can happen to people and countries, because it brings progress. Creativity is born from anguish, as the day is born from the dark night. Crisis generates inventions, discoveries, and big strategies. Whoever overcomes a crisis overcomes oneself without getting overcome.


For some time the word “crisis”, widely used in economy since the 19th century, has extensively been on the news pages and hence in the minds of us all. This situation is a reflection of the financial difficulties faced by many countries, which have affected and changed drastically thousands of people’s lives around the world.


From the Greek “krisis, eos” crisis means “act or faculty of distinguishing, decision” and by extension “decisive, difficult moment.” It derives from the Greek verb “krino”, “to separate, to decide, to judge.” Yet, in Latin, the noun “crisis” means “moment of decision, of sudden change.” This word has been used until today specifically in medicine to define the decision in the face of the evolution of a disease, the crucial moment for healing or death. A deeper research would bring even more other meanings for this word. For the Chinese, for example, a crisis is defined as “opportunity or goal”.


Even with so many ways to interpret it, I agree with the Einstein’s assertion: “crisis” is the best blessing that can happen in our lives, for it requires us to find intrinsic creativity to overcome ourselves, to win and to grow. The very etymology of the word brings attention to the decision making in the face of unexpected changes, a proof that no crisis is necessarily bad, because while overcoming them we emerge stronger.


At hazy times, even when we lose something, we empower ourselves. No loss is forever; the end of some things is part of life and something often has to end in order to make room for a new change. When we understand the end as a new path, life takes a promising direction.


We can then actually live, not just survive. Usually the end of what we cling on or are stuck with takes us away from the famous “comfort zone” and brings to each individual questions about life, the kind of issue that we tend to postpone. It reminds us that nothing is forever, and gives a real sense that time goes by, doesn’t stop nor wait. It teaches that everything is worth it and no sacrifice is in vain.


And speaking of sacrifice… this is another misjudged word. People often relate it to something “bad”, because we live in a society that values what is easy and encourages hostile lazy behavior. However, this word is born from the union of the terms “sacred” and “office”, or “holy work”.


Under the simple fact of being human, there are circumstances in which we can do little or virtually nothing. But regardless of the choice we make, life goes on and certainly better times will “unveil” in the future, making us feel that our plans flowed properly.


Think honestly: how many people do you know, in the current social and economic situation we live in, that are capable of the sacrifice of changing themselves and turning failure into success, distress into creativity? Who, in this vast group, could conjugate verbs derived from the crisis, ie “overcome” oneself without being “overcome” by it?


We should meditate about things that block us internally and react, considering that despite all the difficulties throughout our trajectory, nothing can prevent our victory, except ourselves. Discovering the importance of sacrifices is to win. We’d better start to respect our “right inner time” and realize that we should knock more than once on the same door (the one that blocks our dreams) until it opens. Once opened, allow yourself to find out something bigger. Understand that the dream may not be only yours. Every committed sacrifice and overcoming will inspire others and many other doors can be opened; consequently, losses will be overcome and lives transformed.


Talking nonstop about crisis, devoting much of our precious time to this subject, is promoting conformism. Instead of helping to spread misfortunes, we can act differently. We have the ability to make it worth the sacrifice and insist on the strength of our work. Remember that the only truly threatening crisis is the tragedy of the man who passively crosses his arms and gives up on himself. All the rest can be overcome; just trust, for he who believes in himself is the only one capable of winning.

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